Jeff DeShon raises goats and has cropland where he grows beans, corn, and wheat. Jeff comes from a family long involved with the Boone County SWCD.
Darin Schnarre is also an active cattle rancher and cropland farmer. His family has been very involved in the agricultural and political landscape of Boone County.
Jim Bullard is an active cattle rancher. Jim utilizes a managed intensive grazing system for his cattle and has hosted grassland contests on his farm.
Carter Ward is an active cattle rancher, utilizing rotational grazing to manage his livestock.
Tish Johnson is the University of Missouri Extension County Engagement Specialist in Community Economic Development.
All board members can be contacted through the Boone County Soil and Water Conservation District. These members are excellent stewards of the land and promote good soil and water conservation measures on their farms.
The Boone County Board of Supervisors is responsible for administering the cost-share funds for agricultural soil and water conservation practices installed in Boone County averaging over $200,000 each year in regular funding. The board also employs and supervises two full-time employees and one part-time employee.
Board members serve a term of four years and are elected by the landowners of Boone County.
SEEKING NOMINEES Nov. 1-30, 2023
Election Voting Period Feb. 1-20, 2024
The qualifications required to be a supervisor are:
1. Being a land representative from the district. A land representative is defined as the owner or representative authorized by power of attorney of any farm lying within an area proposed to be established, and subsequently established, as a soil and water conservation district under Chapter 278, RSMo. Each farm is entitled to representation by a land representative: provided, however that the land representative is a taxpayer of the county within which the soil and water district is located, 10 CSR 70-4.010(1)(I)
2. Residing in, or owning a farm in, the area from which he/she is nominated where there is an expiring term.
3. Being a cooperator of the district, defined as, "a person who is actively engaged in farming and practices conservation activities related to agriculture”.
4. Being a current resident and tax-paying citizen of the county for at least two years preceding the election date. Section 278.110, RSMo.
5. Be eighteen (18) years of age or older by the election date and be willing to serve the full term they are elected for.
6. Provide a valid mailing address to the program office and notify the program of any change of address during their term.