Gasconade County SWCD Election Ballot for February 1 - 20, 2024

News Date: 
January 23, 2024
News Content: 


The Gasconade County Soil & Water Conservation District (GCSWCD)will be holding an election for the Area I-Richland and Boulware Townships and the Area III—Third Creek, Clay, and Bourbois Townships from February 1st through February 20th at the USDA Service Center, 316 S Olive Street, Owensville, during the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Every agricultural landowner in Gasconade County (no matter which Township) has the right to vote for one representative in each area listed below.  The landowners must be listed on the Title of Deed, but there is a limit of one vote per farm.

A self-nomination period for candidates interested in running was hosted during the month of November 2024.  Those candidates that agreed to run are listed below in their respective areas.

Area I—Richland & Boulware Township:

Brian Rost—Brian and his wife Rebecca, have two sons.  They are farming 320 acres, running a cow/calf operations, raising replacement heifers, feeder calves and fat cattle.  They currently calve twice a year in the spring and fall.  They raise alfalfa for their own use and to sell to a local dairy farmer. Brian works off the farm at Oakley Professional Products. They have utilized district cost-share to build an Animal Waste Storage Facility, establish a WQ10 (Stream Protection) & DSP-3.2/3.3 (Grazing System) to provide water and cross fencing on their property, while protecting the stream.  Brian would like to help farmers become more aware of the conservation practices and programs that are available through the Soil & Water Districts.

Area III—Third Creek, Clay, and Bourbois Townships:

Luke Mangrum—Luke currently serves as the Vice-Chairman of the GCSWCD Board.  Luke and his wife, Melissa, have one son.  They own 220 acres. Luke has been farming for approximately 20 years.  He has a grain farm, growing corn and soybeans, and utilizes cover crops to protect the soil. Luke has utilized the Federal Environmental Incentive Quality Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) and State Cost-share to address the resource concerns on his property.  He would like to continue to serve the producers of Gasconade County by promoting conservation of the land and water.


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