Now Hiring: FOSA Shared Technician

Job Location: 
Job Description: 
The Soil and Water Conservation Districts in Lincoln, Pike, Montgomery, Warren County are seeking a full time Shared FOSA Technician. Tasks include stake-out and design of conservation practices, interpersonal communication, computer design work, word processing, assisting NRCS staff with implementation of practices, outreach activities, file maintenance, and general office duties. The successful candidate must be able to work in any type of weather and cross rough terrain. All relevant training will be provided. Good computer skills and basic farm knowledge are a must. Must have H/S diploma, valid D/L, and pass federal security background check. Benefits include paid annual leave and sick leave, health, vision, and dental insurance, LAGERS retirement. The successful candidate may be stationed in any of the offices depending on location. Starting salary $16.80 with first review and possible raise in 90 days. With training and progression, regular raises are available. Application may be picked up at the USDA Service Center at 116 Frenchman Bluff Rd, Troy, MO or by emailing For more information, please call 636-528-4877 x3 or your local SWCD office. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. An equal opportunity employer, provider, & lender.
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