Board & Election Information

Board Members

  • Board Chair
    Allen Gibbs
    Elected Area: 
    Area 4
    Years Served: 
    Began 7/23/15


  • Treasurer
    Bert Pennington
    Elected Area: 
    Area 1
    Years Served: 
    Began 4/26/01


  • University of Missouri Extension
    Jason Morris
    Years Served: 
    University of Missouri Extension


  • Board Vice-Chair
    Jo Ellen Carter
    Elected Area: 
    Area 2
    Years Served: 
    Began May 21, 2019
  • Board Member
    Sandy McDowell
    Elected Area: 
    Area 3
    Years Served: 

Board of Supervisors Meetings

Meeting Place:
SWCD Office, 32377 US Hwy 60, Ellsinore, MO 63937
Meeting Date and Time:
2nd Tuesday of the Month @ 1:00 p.m.

Place, date and time are subject to change.  

Call 573-322-0233 for more information.

Election Information

Next Election:

Areas 2 and 4 

Voting Period:  

Elections are held every two years.

The qualifications required to be a supervisor are:

  1. Being a land representative from the district (as defined in 10 CSR 70-4.010 (1) (I)). A land representative is defined as the owner or representative authorized by power of attorney of any farm lying within an area proposed to be established, and subsequently established, as a soil and water conservation district under Chapter 278, RSMo. Each farm is entitled to representation by a land representative: provided, however that the land representative is a taxpayer of the county within which the soil and water district is located.

  2. Residing in, or owning a farm in, the area from which he/she is nominated where there is an expiring term.

  3. Being a cooperator of the district, defined as, "a person who is actively engaged in farming and practices conservation activities related to agriculture".

  4. Being a current resident and tax-paying citizen of the county for at least two years preceding the election date.

  5. Being eighteen (18) years of age or older by the election date.