Maries County 2020 Honorable Mention Photos
Adult Division
Farming in Maries County Category - Hungry Ladies by Justin Fagre
Farming in Maries County Category - Hungry Ladies by Justin Fagre
Farming in Maries County Category - Cowgirl Selfie by Lauren Rowden
The Annual Meeting was not held in 2020 to present the awards and get photos of the winners. Below is a list of the winners for 2020.
7th and 8th Grade Essay Winners: Eva Hollis, Dalton Breeding and Eli Hayes
9th and 10th Grade Essay Winners: Mason Thomas, Derrik Pippert and Molly Busch
The Annual Meeting was not held in 2020 to present the awards and get photos of the winners. Below is a list of the winners for 2020.
3rd Grade Poster Winners: Jake Rowden, Paxton Jeremy and Claire Canuto
4th Grade Poster Winners: Ethan Kloeppel, Faith Carmody and John Tappel
5th Grade Poster Winners: Gage Curtis, Izzabella Duncan and Chase Weeks
Grand Prize Poster Winner - Morgan Murphy
Click Here for the List of all the Poster Winners
Trees/Plants/Landscapes Category - Rippling Water by Makayla Ingram
Farming in Maries County Category - Moo Moo Magic by Jake Rowden
7th and 8th Grade Essay Winners: Dalton Breeding, Maggie Veasman and Eva Hollis
3rd Grade Poster Winners: Tyler Rowden, John Tappel and Bryce Ewers
Grand Prize Poster Winner - Lauren Rowden
Click Here for All 2019 Poster Winners Photos