Landowner Assistance

Soil and water conservation practices installed on agricultural land save soil from eroding and reduce nutrients and pesticides from entering Missouri’s waterways. The Parks, Soils and Water Sales Tax provides financial incentives and share the cost between the farmer and the state for implementing soil and water conservation practices that prevent or control soil erosion and protect water quality.

General Landowner Requirements for Receiving Cost-Share

  • A cooperator (landowner/operator) must have a farm number through the Farm Service Agency in order to be eligible to sign-up for a cost-share contract.
  • The cooperator must have an approved conservation plan which includes the requested practice before the contract is approved.
  • A cost-share contract must be board approved before the conservation practice is started.

State Cost-Share Resource Concern Categories and Associated Practices

Not all districts offer every practice listed above. Please contact your local soil and water conservation district to see what is available.
