Cooperator Spotlight

2016 Cooperator of the Year

Galen and Linda Lowrey

Galen and Linda Lowrey moved south of Laredo from Mercer County in the Spring of 1964, when they purchased their first farm. They are the parents of three sons: David, Duane and Stephen, nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Using rotational grazing, they backgrounded heifers purchasing them at 350 wt and selling them around 750 wt. They row crop with corn, soybeans and wheat, using no till planting on the contour and crop rotation.

They have installed 19,900 feet of terraces with 17,928 feet of tile, including non-cost share, since 2012.& The Lowrey’s retired in 2014 and their sons and grandsons are carrying on the family traditions of cattle and row crop rotation, contour farming, conservation cover, pasture hayland seeding and structures.

The Lowrey’s say Thank You to the staff of the Grundy County Soil and Water Conservation District, NRCS, FSA for all their help through the years and thank you for this award.

2016 Soil Health Steward of the Year

Brand and Amanda Wilford

This year the Grundy County Soil and Water Conservation District Board decided to recognize farmers who focus on improving the health of their soils, in order to ensure long-term sustainability and production.

This year’s Soil Health Award goes to Brad and Amanda Wilford.

On their farm, Brad and Amanda have combined the use of cover crops, no-till, and crop rotation, to help improve soil structure and biology, and increase soil carbon content and organic matter.  These methods also increase water infiltration, which decreases runoff and erosion and helps keep nutrients from leaving the fields. When combined, these practices help ensure long-term sustainability of crop production.

Because of their efforts to improve the soils, the board is pleased to present the 2016 Grundy County Soil Health Award to Brad and Amanda Wilford.