Rental Equipment
Root Plow

Rental Item Deposit:
In-County - $50 | Out-County - $100
Rental Item Description:
The district has a trailer-mounted root plow for loan to landowners or operators without charge. For best results, it should be used with a 70 horsepower or larger tractor having a Category II or III 3-point hitch. A root plow cuts lateral tree roots to prevent their sapping water and nutrients from adjacent crop fields. This alternative to removing hedge rows eliminates their disadvantages and helps farmers capitalize on their advantages. Hedge rows help reduce erosion and provide food and shelter for numerous wildlife species. Their removal is very costly. The root plow makes it unnecessary to remove trees to eliminate crop competition. For more details and to schedule the root plow for use, contact the district office via phone 816-228-1836, ext. 3 or e-mail.