Dunklin County SWCD History
The boundaries of Dunklin County Soil and Water Conservation District include all eight townships in the county. The total land area is 543 square miles or 347,520 acres. The county is situated in the extreme southeast corner of Missouri. It is bordered on the south by Arkansas, on the west by Arkansas and Butler County, Missouri and on the north by Stoddard County and on the east by Pemiscot and New Madrid Counties.
Approximately 333,620 acres of the county are nearly level, made up by recent alluvium deposits in the Mississippi, Ohio and St. Francis Rivers. The remaining 13,900 acres are known as Crowley’s Ridge.Elevations vary from about 230 feet in the southern part of the county to 500 feet on Crowley’s Ridge.
The district encourages the use of conservation planning to reduce erosion and improve water quality. This service is offered by our district using survey and design of erosion control practices reduce soil erosion and improve water quality on agricultural land. Cost-share is available on these practices through the state cost-share program. The district staff assists the Natural Resources Conservation Service in administering the federal programs as well.
Cost-share applications are prepared in the office and approved by the board of supervisors. The board is locally elected officials that set policies for the district. District staff carry out the mission of the district board by ensuring the tax dollars used for the cost-share program are spent wisely.
Information/education programs are available through the district staff to promote wise use of our natural resources and educate the public on the importance of conserving our soil and water.